public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from solrac with tag "web 2.0"

April 2007

Learning from Ajax's best

This article looks at some of the best of the new breed of Web applications to show what you can learn from them -- the proud tradition of imitating the best. I'm sure the sites won't mind, after all imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. It's important to consider how the best use Ajax features along with Dynamic HTML (DHTML) to create a compelling user experience.

Are you tired of the boring repetition involved with DOM scripting and Ajax, then take a look at jQuery.

Unlike similar JavaScript libraries, jQuery has a unique philosophy that allows you to express common complex code succinctly. Learn how to extend jQuery with plug-ins.

February 2007

Ten predictions for XML in 2007

2007 is shaping up to be the most exciting year since the community drove off the XML highway into the Web services swamp half a decade ago. XQuery, Atom, Atom Publishing Protocol (APP), XProc, and GRRDL are all promising new power. Some slightly older technologies like XForms and XSLT are having new life breathed into them. 2007 will be a very good year to work with XML. See what's in store for XML this year.

January 2007

Hot Web 2.0 user interface technologies

We're entering an unprecedented period of user interface innovation, as Web developers are finally able to build Web applications as rich as local PC-based applications. This article covers the Web 2.0 user interface technology innovations of Flex, OpenLaszlo, Ajax and other Rich client and Rich Web application development.

Simplify JavaScript complex behavior with Finite State

Software engineers have long used finite state machines as an organizing principle for developing event-driven programs. Browser-based applications, popularized by Ajax, are becoming more complex. Designers and implementers can benefit from the discipline and structure that finite state machines offer. In this article, you, learn how to use a finite state machine to design complex behavior for a simple Web widget -- an animated tooltip that fades into and out of view.

December 2006

WebSphere Guru shares how to building AJAX apps

by 1 other
WebSphere Master Roland Barcia answers questions on building Web 2.0 applications with AJAX technologies on WebSphere. Topics range from popular data transport forms (such as REST, JSON-RPC, and SOAP), tooling (such as the Eclipse AJAX Toolkit and Rational tools), or AJAX toolkits (such as the Dojo Toolkit and DWR). He also discusses how AJAX technologies integrate with IBM's SOA platforms.

November 2006

Try Lotus Domino Ajax instant messaging

Learn how the power of IBM Lotus Domino and Ajax can add awareness to your Domino Web applications. One reason we love this technique is that it doesn’t load Microsoft ActiveX controls, instantiate a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) instance, or require a flash animation player. It is a lightweight, low-tech solution for most clients.

The Mother of all Mashups

This tutorial series shows you how to build the Ultimate Mashup that has more Bells and Whistles that you could ever imagine.

September 2006

A step-by-step demonstration of using RSS and Atom

The oldschool way of manually managing e-mail subscribers, and publishing the news on your website doesn't cut it anymore. This article shows you the modern way with a step-by-step demonstration of implementing a general news publication architecture using RSS and Atom syndication formats. This will diffinetly ease the process, minimize human error and streamline the approach to news feeds.